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The History of Holy Trinity Redhill

Holy Trinity Church was built in 1906 to the designs of the Architect R H Mew. A polished granite foundation stone at the east end of the church reads "In the faith of the Holy Trinity and in memory of a faithful servant of God Henry Brass first Vicar of the Parish of St. Matthew, Redhill. This church was erected AD 1906".


Revd Henry Brass, first vicar of St Matthew’s, Redhill, in whose memory Holy Trinity was built. The church was officially consecrated on Wednesday 2nd January 1907 by the Bishop of Southwark at a crowded service. This was followed by an octave of special services with guest preachers. The first annual report stated ‘the singing is congregational and the services are hearty and reverent, and everyone is expected to take part.’ In its first year there were 2614 communicants, 638 of whom were men.The first incumbent of the parish, the Revd L.A. McClintock Newberry, said in his introductory letter to the first annual report: ‘I would express at the outset our devout thankfulness to the God and Father of all, for the way He has prospered the formation of Holy Trinity Parish and the building of the Church as a memorial of the late Rev. Henry Brass. We have looked to Him for guidance and Grace as well as for material support in the undertaking committed to us and all this he has vouchsafed in proportion to our faith.’ He was able to report that the debt on the Church building Fund had been paid off and the Vicarage Fund was growing considerably, aided by a grant of £700 from the Ecclesiastical Commissioners.



Church Life in the Early Years

Parochial activities in the first year of the Church’s life included support of the Battlebridge Mission Room Fund, the Men’s Slate Club, the Soup Kitchen Fund, and the Youths' and Men’s Institute Carving Class. Beyond the parish there was a lively missionary concern expressed in support of a dozen or more societies including the Church Pastoral Aid Society, the Church Missionary Society, the London City Mission, the London Jews Society, and the South American Missionary Society. A number of these societies continue to be supported by the congregation to this day.


A prayer meeting was held on Tuesday evenings and, for women, on Thursday mornings. A men’s bible class on Monday evenings had got off to a promising start with an average attendance of 47 hearing the Vicar’s Bible Readings on Matthew 1-6. There was also EN’S bible Class which studied Ruth, Philippians and the life of Elisha, plus a Mother’s meeting and a Maternity Society. Accounts for the first year showed the total running costs of the parish amounted to £715 1s 10d.


Further changes to the buildings

The west porch was built in 1967 to the designs of the Architect E F Starling. At that time the temporary west wall was replaced in brick to match the existing brickwork. In 1991 the church halls were refurbished and extended. A new vicarage, a new church office and associated meeting rooms were constructed in 2004.


Holy Trinity Original Plans

The Church building as originally planned

Revd Henry Brass

Revd Henry Brass

Holy Trinity in the snow 1963

The Church in the snow of 1963

Dedication of Holy Trinity Centre in 2005

Dedication of the new buildings by the Bishop of Croydon in January 2005



Holy Trinity Church Redhill

Carlton Road


Surrey RH1 2BX


01737 766604

© 2022 Holy Trinity Church Redhill.

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