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The children’s work at Holy Trinity exists to support children and parents: so that children have the opportunity to develop a life changing relationship with Jesus Christ and to help children to understand their part within the church family.


Children’s groups meet in rooms close to the morning service in St Bede's school after joining the first part of the service, to learn about the Bible, faith, and how to become children of God. The groups enjoy Bible teaching, song, prayer, and art and craft.

Sundays at the 10 O CLOCK service


Supervised crèche for babies and toddlers up to 3 years of age

Seekers for Children age 3 years to Reception Class

Climbers for School Years 1, 2, and 3

Explorers for School Years 4, 5, and 6

Rock Solid (School Years 7 to 9): Looking at the Bible in a fun, creative and interactive way and think about how it applies to us and our lives.



Safeguarding Policy

Midweek Children's Groups

Jump for Joy

Term time Tuesdays 9.30 – 11am in the Church Centre


Jump for Joy is our Under 5s Toddlers group at Holy Trinity. We welcome parents/ grandparents/carers and their toddlers and babies to meet in a fun, friendly and safe environment. There’s lots to do with toys, table activities, crafts, a slide and ride-on toys and we will end each session with tidy up time followed by singing. Refreshments are available for the adults and a healthy snack is provided for children. Please bring your child a drink from home.
Term time Tuesdays 9.30 – 11am in the Church Centre

Cost: £2 per child or £3 per family

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Midweek Youth Groups

Term Time in the Church Centre

Rock Solid

Monday evening  6:30 pm - 8:00pm

School years 7-9


We have great fun doing all sorts of different activities, including sport, silly games, baking,
team challenges and water fights! There’s also a tuck shop. We spend a short time at the end of each session learning what God has to say to us in the Bible.


Tuesday evening 6.30pm - 8.00pm

School years 10-13

We enjoy time chatting, eating cake and playing games but most importantly learning about God’s plan and purpose for our lives from His Word, the Bible. 


We also have social events roughly once a month on a Saturday

uniformed organisations

Uniformed Organisations

Rainbows, Brownies and Guides all meet at Holy Trinity Church Centre. For more information visit the Girl Guiding website.



Holy Trinity Church Redhill

Carlton Road


Surrey RH1 2BX


01737 766604

© 2022 Holy Trinity Church Redhill.

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