The parish of Holy Trinity Redhill takes the safeguarding and care of children and vulnerable adults very seriously. Further information about this can be found on our Safeguarding page.
home groups
Home groups are a vital part of our church life here at Holy Trinity. They are a great way for people to grow in friendship and faith as they share life, pray, read the Bible together and seek to put it into practice.
In a church like ours, with many different services, Home Groups help with getting to know a smaller group of people well, which can perhaps be difficult on a Sunday. Normally groups meet for a couple of hours on a fortnightly basis, though each group is different. They mainly meet in people's homes across Redhill, and there are daytime and evening groups to cater for when most people are free. Home Groups normally discuss the Sunday sermon series, but at other times will use different material.
If you are interested in joining a Home Group, please get in touch with the Church Office.