The parish of Holy Trinity Redhill takes the safeguarding and care of children and vulnerable adults very seriously. Further information about this can be found on our Safeguarding page.
Parish Nurse
What is Parish Nursing?
Parish Nurses are Registered Nurses working in churches or Christian organisations. Based on Christ’s teaching and ministry, as demonstrated in the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37), we offer individuals and communities personal health advice, advocacy, support, health education, and spiritual care. We offer this support to people of all ages, beliefs and backgrounds.d wholeness.
The Holy Trinity Parish Nurse is Hannah Bacon
I did my Bachelor of Nursing degree at Nottingham University and I completed a Diploma in Oncology Nursing with the Royal Marsden Hospital. I have worked in oncology (cancer) nursing since I graduated in 2001.
I completed the Parish Nurse Certificate in May 2015. I have a Bachelor of Nursing degree, I am registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council and I have a current Disclosure and Barring Service check.
I am available to offer support with your health needs. This may be to talk through your health and wellbeing or it may be to support you in seeking the most appropriate care for your needs. I am also able to offer the opportunity for you to explore the spiritual aspects of your health, if you would like to do so.
What I can offer:
Help with navigating the NHS referral process and signposting to NHS/voluntary/church-based health resources and support groups.
Support for those with a cancer diagnosis and their carers.
Personal health advice and support. Please contact me and we can arrange to chat over the phone or I can visit you.
Support for carers with signposting to resources, phonecalls and visits.
I am available at Drop In on Mondays 10.30am-12noon or you can arrange an individual appointment.
Residents of Linters Court and Redlin Court, please ask your manager when I am next in.
Hannah Bacon, Registered Nurse
How to contact Hannah: Email: parishnurse@htredhill.com
Phone number: 07879 220959
Hannah works Mondays and Tuesdays from 9am to 4pm