The parish of Holy Trinity Redhill takes the safeguarding and care of children and vulnerable adults very seriously. Further information about this can be found on our Safeguarding page.
Serving Teams
There are many opportunities to serve as part of our Church family at Holy Trinity. Below are some of the ways in which you might prayerfully consider getting involved. For more information, or to sign up, contact the church office.
Music plays a central role in worship at Holy Trinity. Most of our songs are contemporary, accompanied by a band and led by singers, but the 10am Sunday morning service also draws on the riches of traditional hymns, accompanied on the organ.
A new leader is sought for the work of keeping environmental issues high on our Church's agenda because we believe that caring for God's creation is a key part of our obedience as followers of Jesus.
The Prayer Team supports the Church family by listening to and praying for anyone who comes to our Church, either during the services on a Sunday or through our confidential email service.
Two groups are in our Welcome Team - Sidespersons and Vergers.
We provide a friendly welcome to all who enter our church for our services, whilst doing many of the practical tasks that help the service to run smoothly.
For more information visit our Care@HT page.
The Flower Team decorates the church year round and particularly for our annual events and festivals including Easter, Harvest and Christmas. We meet together to plan 6-8 weeks in advance on a weekday evening in the church centre. Sometimes we have a workshop evening for advance preparation, but do the bulk of the arranging on the Friday or Saturday prior to the event.
Refreshments are a key part of our fellowship together and help to facilitate the community we enjoy after our services and for special events. Could you help serve the hot and cold beverages to our family?
It's not just cutting grass! To us it's serving the Lord by helping to show his Church in all its glory. The church provides two motor mowers to help us keep the lawns tidy.
We maintain the gardens around the Church keeping the grounds neat and tidy. The gardens are often the first impression of our Church that the congregation and many visitors see as they walk in.
Book Stall
We source, review and provide resources that help strengthen the Church in their faith.
The Bible often sets Jesus' interactions with people around a meal. The Catering Team serve the Church family by providing food for special events and courses throughout the year.
Audio Visual
The Audio-Visual Team provides a vital service to the Church family by ensuring the sound and visuals operate smoothly for our services and events.
Office Administration
There are many people who generously offer their time to serve within the Office Administration Team. This includes preparing service sheets for Sundays and jobs to support the work of the Church Office.
Media & Digital
The Media & Digital Team oversee the delivery of all the digital content, graphics and handouts used at Holy Trinity. This material includes the content for the Sunday services slideshow, the Church website, videos, Vision material and more.

“A new command I give you: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” John 13 v 34
As part of our 2020 Vision we are prayerfully seeking to foster within Holy Trinity "a culture of teamwork (rather than just rotas) across every area of church life."​ Asking each member of our congregations to be "more committed to loving our Church family by using our gifts to belong to at least one team in service." Here are just some of the ways in which you can serve at Holy Trinity.