The parish of Holy Trinity Redhill takes the safeguarding and care of children and vulnerable adults very seriously. Further information about this can be found on our Safeguarding page.

Sunday mornings
Our main Sunday service is at 10am. We meet together in St Bede's School, Carlton Road, Redhill, RH1 2LQ, using the main entrance then after about 15 minutes our children and young people go into rooms close by for their own activities. We offer a supervised creche for our youngest members and we have groups for children aged 3 up to school Year 6.
We have Rock Solid for young people in school years 7-9.
We record the sermons from our 10am service, so you can catch up. The sermons are made available on our YouTube channel week by week.
Sunday evenings
At 7pm we meet in the church or Church Centre for an in-depth Bible talk with worship led by the band. Refreshments are offered before and after the service. If you are in school year 10+ then we hope you will want to join us for worship and to stay for refreshments after the service.
Rendezvous - Worship on Wednesdays
Starting at 10:30am in church or the Church Centre, Rendezvous is in two parts: a short service of Worship and Word in church followed by a relaxed time over tea and coffee in the Church Centre.​